Investing in Central Iowa and the Midwest

A solid partner for real estate and venture capital investments in the Des Moines area

Stable Investments
Trusted Partners
Strong Local Connections

Finding the right partner can be challenging.

With other firms, you’ll likely experience:

  • Red tape
  • Inexperienced investors
  • Short-sighted planning
  • Unpredictable investments

At Merchant Investments, you get:

  • A streamlined investment process
  • Partners that are networked within and connected to your community
  • Long term positioning for solid, sustainable growth

A solid foundation in central Iowa

With Merchant Investments, you can work with investment partners who have a solid foundation within the central Iowa community. With over $40 million in investments across 7 states since 1994, we have the track record to help your projects achieve their full potential.

Call today to find out how Merchant Investments can invest in you today!

Call: 515.255.5124

Ready to work with Merchant Investments?


Call Today

We’ll get back to you within 1 week of your initial call.

Determine Next Step

Pitch us your business plan, and we’ll determine how we can partner with you to promote growth.

Grow Together

Once we've positioned our partnership, a focus on strategic long term development can help realize your vision.
Call: 515.255.5124

Why Merchant Investments?

With over 27 years of investment experience, we’re established in the Des Moines and central Iowa area as a trusted investment partner. And we’re committing people, capital, and ideas to promote community growth.

Call: 515.255.5124